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From Level 2 to Level 3

Level 2 aims to develop your body intelligence and familiarity with the fundamental forró figures. We want to build the quality of your dance and your confidence.

It’s not just about mentally “knowing” the figures but integrating into your body the figures and the skills needed to execute them fluidly. This takes time and practice!

To provide you with a rough idea, we expect dancers practising regularly outside of class to spend at least one year in Level 2 and dancers practising less regularly to spend closer to two years.

Of course, the more you practice outside of class, the quicker you are likely to integrate the skills and figures into your body. But everybody and every body is different so there is no “right” duration! Just the timing that is right for you :)

You’re ready for Level 3 when you:

  • Know and can fluidly execute the key Level 2 figures and their variations:

    • Inverted turn: at least 3 variations

    • Arco iris: at least 3 variations

    • Facões: forwards + backwards

    • Caminhada: at least 2 closing options

    • Pião: simple and at least 1 other variation

  • Lead or follow a small range of simple torso and hip movements

  • Perform the Level 1 & Level 2 figures on arrastapé

  • Maintain hand contact without gripping your partner’s hands

  • Know and can execute the following transitions:

    • “Normal” grip to crossed hand grip: at least two variations

    • One hand to two hand grip (”normal”)

    • Open position to closed position: at least three variations

    • Closed position to open position: at least two variations

    • Hug position to leading on the body

  • Maintain a comfortable and activated posture throughout the dance: both in open and closed positions.

  • Can build a connection with your partner during the dance.



  • Hear and respect the breaks in the music and restart correctly afterwards

  • Consistently recognise the tempo forte and place it in the correct position

  • Reliably lead or follow weight transfers on the four levels of the rhythm (tempo forte, beat, quick-quick-slow, all the quicks)

Leader skills:

  • Leaders: Fluidly connect the key movements in different sequences

  • Leaders: Lead figures both:

    • 1) clearly: this means your partner knows what response is expected from him or her;
    • 2) and comfortably: this means you provide an appropriate amount of energy. Enough to be clear, not so much that it is forceful or uncomfortable.

  • Leaders: Adapt your dance according to the energy of the music (for example, during the introduction)

Follower skills:

  • Followers: Respond to the lead with an appropriate amount of energy and “on time”. This means without anticipating or delaying.

  • Followers: Move your second step in turn sequences to maintain the flow of the dance

  • Followers: Perform 5-step turns on a line

  • Followers: Can identify opportunities (timing and space) to add arm movements and footwork to the dance, and can perform a small range of simple styling gestures confidently

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